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24-7 ems trauma: 19 Courses
24-7 EMS Online: Geriatric Trauma: Hip Injuries (V2)
Product Code: EMS1007
This program reviews the effects of hip and pelvic trauma in geriatric patients.
The anatomy and physiology of the hip is reviewed, basic emergency care, pain management and the special consideration of treating a geriatric patient with an injury to the lower extremity is highlighted.
Featuring Heather Davis, MS, NREMT-P, Educational Program Director, UCLA
24-7 EMS Online: Extrication and Patient Packaging (V2)
Product Code: EMS1064
This class reviews the importance of scene safety, the use of proper personal protective equipment, and scene survey.
Different types of stabilization, extrication, and immobilization equipment are discussed.
24-7 EMS Online: Abdominal Trauma (V2)
Product Code: EMS1036
Abdominal trauma has a high potential for shock and life-threatening injury and is one of the most difficult injuries to evaluate in the pre-hospital environment.
This program is designed to discuss the various traumas associated with the abdomen and covers effective strategies to determine and treat abdominal trauma.
EMS responders who implement rapid, systematic assessment, have a high degree of suspicion and knowledge of the pathophysiology of the abdomen, and who provide early transport will deliver quality patient care and help improve outcomes for patients with abdominal trauma.
Featuring Christopher Shane Henderson, B.S., FF/EMT-P Adjunct EMS Instructor St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue St. Petersburg College
24-7 EMS Online: Extreme Sports Injuries: Extremity Trauma (V2)
Product Code: EMS1045
This program reviews pain management, splinting, and the various techniques used to stabilize an extremity. Instructs on how to look for and anticipate other injuries in the “predictive” assessment and thereby avoiding the distraction of the obvious injury.
Many of the injuries sustained while participating in these sports are usually not life threatening; however, they are painful. The anatomy and physiology of the shoulder are reviewed. The focus is on upper extremity trauma and treating PSDE – painful, swollen, deformed extremities.
Featuring Craig Jacobus, Paramedic
24-7 EMS Online: Blunt Chest Trauma (V2)
Product Code: EMS1049
Signs, symptoms, and treatment for traumatic chest injuries are reviewed. Emphasizes a systematic approach, including ABCs and on-going assessment.
Reviews current protocols regarding pain management and fluid therapy. 25% of all trauma deaths are caused by blunt chest trauma.
Featuring Will Chapleau, EMT-P, RN, TNS, PHTLS, Manager, Advanced Trauma Life Support, American College of Surgeons.
24-7 EMS Online: Trauma During Pregnancy (V2)
Product Code: EMS1077
This class reviews the important anatomical and physiological changes that occur during the three stages of pregnancy, the signs and symptoms of trauma, and appropriate treatment.
The effects of trauma on a pregnant patient, common types of injury, and the importance of early recognition of injuries and rapid treatment are presented.
Featuring: Connie J Mattera, MS, RN, EMT-P, Northwest Community Hospital EMS Administrative Director
24-7 EMS Online: Bomb Blast Injuries (V2)
Product Code: EMS1084
This class identifies the unique scene safety challenges of an explosion, discusses the importance of identifying high-risk targets in your community, and reviews the importance of creating response plans and their daily practice.
Covers types of bomb blasts and approaches to triage. These techniques apply in any explosion – propane, natural gas, silo, etc.
Featuring: Jim Augustine M.D., Medical Director for Atlanta Fire Rescue
24-7 EMS Online: Burns: Thermal (V2)
Product Code: EMS1005
Signs and symptoms of superficial, partial, and full thickness burns with discussion of pain and airway management.
A review of the skin and its functions, graphics and photos of different burn types, and the rule of nines assessment method are included.
Featuring Nerina Stepanovsky, PhD, RN, Paramedic, EMS Program Director St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg, Florida. Lt. Col. (Ret.), USAFR, Nurse Corps
24-7 EMS Online: Combat Related TBI (V2)
Product Code: EMS1062
Individuals who have post-concussive syndrome or symptoms that occur after traumatic brain injury often have problems with functions such as: attention, judgment, memory, the ability to coordinate activities, and effective cooperation.
EMS personnel should have a foundational understanding of what TBI is and the ongoing needs of people living with one or more cognitive, emotional, or behavioral disabilities.
Featuring Deputy Chief Ben Chlapek, from Central Jackson County Fire Protection District. Dr Gary Abram, Rehabilitation Section Chief, at San Francisco VA Medical Center
24-7 EMS Online: Mechanism of Injury (V2)
Product Code: EMS1010
Mechanism of injury is a key indicator of the possible injuries you will find on-scene. Course reviews the most common types of MOIs, the importance of kinetic energy, and the role speed plays in an MVC.
The most common injuries associated with blunt and penetrating trauma are illustrated.