[click on the state or province to see approvals]
The state of Alabama accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Alabama can be accessed from:
Alabama Department of Public Health, Office of EMS & Trauma
Detailed information on firefighter training in Alabama can be accessed from:
The state of Alaska accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Alaska can be accessed from:
Detailed information on firefighter training in Alaska can be accessed from:
Alaska Department of Public Safety, Training and Education Bureau
The state of Arizona accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Arizona can be accessed from:
Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma System
Detailed information on firefighter training in Arizona can be accessed from:
The state of Arkansas accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Arkansas can be accessed from:
Arkansas Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter training in Arkansas can be accessed from:
The state of California accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in California can be accessed from:
California Emergency Medical Services Authority, Emergency Medical Services Authority
Detailed information on firefighter training in California can be accessed from:
California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection, State Fire Training
The state of Colorado accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Colorado can be accessed from:
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Section
Detailed information on firefighter training in Colorado can be accessed from:
Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety
The state of Connecticut accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Connecticut can be accessed from:
Connecticut Department of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter training in Connecticut can be accessed from:
Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection, Commission on Fire Prevention and Control
The state of Delaware accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Delaware can be accessed from:
Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Delaware can be accessed from:
The District of Columbia accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in District of Columbia can be accessed from:
District of Columbia, Fire and EMS Department
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in District of Columbia can be accessed from:
The state of Florida has approved 24-7 EMS training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers. Download a copy of the current Florida Approval list for 24-7 courses. Florida does not directly accept CAPCE accreditation for use in EMS continuing education.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Florida can be accessed from:
Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Florida can be accessed from:
Florida Department of Financial Services, Bureau of Fire Standards & Training
The state of Georgia has approved 24-7 EMS training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers. Download a copy of the current Georgia approval list for 24-7 courses. Additionally, Georgia accepts CECBEMS accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Georgia can be accessed from:
Georgia Department of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Georgia can be accessed from:
The state of Hawaii accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Hawaii can be accessed from:
Hawaii Department of Health, State Emergency Medical Services & Injury Prevention System Branch
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Hawaii can be accessed from:
The state of Idaho accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Idaho can be accessed from:
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Idaho can be accessed from:
Idaho Division of Professional-Technical Education, Emergency Services Training
The state of Illinois accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Illinois can be accessed from:
Illinois Department of Public Health, Emergency Medical Systems and Highway Safety
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Illinois can be accessed from:
The state of Indiana accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Indiana can be accessed from:
Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Indiana can be accessed from:
Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Fire Safety & Services
The state of Iowa accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Iowa can be accessed from:
Iowa Department of Public Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Iowa can be accessed from:
Iowa Department of Public Safety, Fire Service Training Bureau
The state of Kansas accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Kansas can be accessed from:
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Kansas can be accessed from:
The state of Kentucky accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Kentucky can be accessed from:
Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Kentucky can be accessed from:
Kentucky Community & Technical College System, Fire Commission
The state of Louisiana accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Louisiana can be accessed from:
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Louisiana can be accessed from:
The state of Maine accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Maine can be accessed from:
Maine Department of Public Safety, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Maine can be accessed from:
The state of Maryland accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Maryland can be accessed from:
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Maryland can be accessed from:
The state of Massachusetts accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Massachusetts can be accessed from:
Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Massachusetts can be accessed from:
Massachusetts Office of Public Safety and Security, Department of Fire Services
The state of Michigan accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Michigan can be accessed from:
Michigan Department of Community Health, Emergency Medical Services Section
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Michigan can be accessed from:
Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs, Office of Fire Fighter Training
The state of Minnesota accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Minnesota can be accessed from:
Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Minnesota can be accessed from:
The state of Mississippi accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Mississippi can be accessed from:
Mississippi State Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Mississippi can be accessed from:
Mississippi Fire Personnel Minimum Standards & Certification Board
The state of Missouri accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Missouri can be accessed from:
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Missouri can be accessed from:
The state of Montana accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Montana can be accessed from:
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Montana can be accessed from:
The state of Nebraska accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Nebraska can be accessed from:
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Nebraska can be accessed from:
The state of Nevada accepts CECBEMS accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Nevada can be accessed from:
Nevada Department of Health & Human Services, Emergency Medical Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Nevada can be accessed from:
Nevada Department of Public Safety, Fire Service Training Bureau
The state of New Hampshire accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in New Hampshire can be accessed from:
New Hampshire Department of Safety, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in New Hampshire can be accessed from:
New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Fire Standards & Training
The state of New Jersey has approved 24-7 EMS online training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers. Download a copy of the current New Jersey approval list for 24-7 EMS online courses. New Jersey does not directly accept CECBEMS accreditation for use in EMS continuing education.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in New Jersey can be accessed from:
New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in New Jersey can be accessed from:
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Fire Safety
The state of New Mexico accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in New Mexico can be accessed from:
New Mexico Emergency Medical Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in New Mexico can be accessed from:
The state of New York accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in New York can be accessed from:
New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in New York can be accessed from:
New York Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services, Office of Fire Prevention & Control
The state of North Carolina accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in North Carolina can be accessed from:
North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in North Carolina can be accessed from:
The state of North Dakota accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in North Dakota can be accessed from:
North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in North Dakota can be accessed from:
The state of Ohio accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Ohio can be accessed from:
Ohio Department of Public Safety, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Ohio can be accessed from:
The state of Oklahoma accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Oklahoma can be accessed from:
Oklahoma State Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Oklahoma can be accessed from:
The state of Oregon accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Oregon can be accessed from:
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, EMS & Trauma Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Oregon can be accessed from:
Oregon Department fo Public Safety, Standards & Training, Fire Certification Section
Download a copy of the current Pennsylvania approval list for 24-7 courses.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Pennsylvania can be accessed from:
Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Pennsylvania can be accessed from:
The state of Rhode Island accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Rhode Island can be accessed from:
Rhode Island Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Rhode Island can be accessed from:
The state of South Carolina accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in South Carolina can be accessed from:
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in South Carolina can be accessed from:
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Fire Academy
The state of South Dakota accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in South Dakota can be accessed from:
South Dakota Department of Public Safety, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in South Dakota can be accessed from:
South Dakota Department of Public Safety, State Fire Marshal
The state of Tennessee accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Tennessee can be accessed from:
Tennessee Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Tennessee can be accessed from:
Tennesee Department of Commerce and Insurance, Fire Service & Code Enforcement Academy
The state of Texas accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Texas can be accessed from:
Texas Department of State Health Services, EMS & Trauma Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Texas can be accessed from:
Texas Engineering Extension Service Fire Services, Emergency Services Training Institute
The state of Utah accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Utah can be accessed from:
Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Utah can be accessed from:
The state of Vermont accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Vermont can be accessed from:
Vermont Department of Health, Office of EMS and Injury Protection
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Vermont can be accessed from:
Vermont Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety
The state of Virginia has approved 24-7 EMS online training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers. Download a copy of the current Virginia approval list for 24-7 EMS online courses. Virginia does not directly accept CAPCE accreditation for use in EMS continuing education.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Virginia can be accessed from:
Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Virginia can be accessed from:
Virginia Department of Fire Programs, Training and Technical Services Branch
The state of Washington accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Washington can be accessed from:
Washington State Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services Systems
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Washington can be accessed from:
The state of West Virginia has approved 24-7 EMS online training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in West Virginia can be accessed from:
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Office of Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in West Virginia can be accessed from:
West Virginia University Extension Service, State Fire Training Academy
The state of Wisconsin accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Wisconsin can be accessed from:
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Wisconsin can be accessed from:
Wisconsin Technical College System, Fire Service Education & Training
The state of Wyoming accepts CAPCE accredited training courses to meet the continuing education requirements for state-recognized EMS providers.
Detailed information on EMS continuing education in Wyoming can be accessed from:
Wyoming Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services
Detailed information on firefighter continuing education in Wyoming can be accessed from:
Download a copy of the current Saskatchewan Curriculum Approval list for 24-7 courses.
In Alberta, 24-7 EMS courses can be completed, but no continuing education credits will be earned towards registration.
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